Saturday Feature: Article in The Academic Times

 Hello all,

An article about my warp drive paper came out recently, and I wanted to share it here. The article provides some further commentary made by other physicists about my paper, so it gives a better sense for where the topic stands among physicists. I was interviewed for this article and thought it was well done.

Here you go:

Happy Saturday,



  1. What do you think about this new paper


    1. I found this paper very interesting. I know the first author, Shaun Fell, and we have been in touch. I might write a post after a revised manuscript comes out.

  3. Even if the bubble can't be accelerated to superluminal speeds, doesn't this hint at the possibility of other spacetime shortcuts that don't violate energy conditions? Something like the Krasnikov tube for example? A shortcut constructed at initially subluminal (though relativistic) speeds wouldn't necessarily violate causality or have problems with horizons while still allowing for short round trips. Van Den Broeck's version houses the bubble in what's essentially a wormhole, has there been other attempts to combine the two concepts (wormholes + warp drives) further?


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